Damaged Roof Repair WestchesterOne of the leading and most trusted roofing companies in Westchester County, Roof Contractor NY is your ultimate destination for all sorts of repair, restoration, and replacement services. Damaged roof repair Westchester offered by us is by far one of the best in the industry in terms of quality, sustainability, and affordability. From flat roofs to tiles and shingles, our experts are equipped with exhaustive knowledge and comprehension of diverse skills and techniques. Possessing years of experience in the field, we know the exact needs and requirements of our distinguished clients. 

Ageing of a roof is the primary factor responsible for damages like natural wear and tear and corrosion. Apart from this, cracks, leaks, holes, and missing tiles or shingles are the other prevalent forms of defilement caused due to harsh climatic conditions, extreme temperatures, and pollution. At Roof Contractor NY, our professionals examine the origin of damage or issue and propose fixes subsequently. Even damaged roof replacement Westchester is performed with utter precision and solemnity as the task demands high-end consideration.

Repair or Replace Roof- How do You Decide?

The top-most structure of your building i.e. the roof is an integral part of any construction. It protects us from heat, rain, snow, wind, and dust. You are fortunate that the roofs are built with greater service life. Nonetheless, you cannot escape the adverse effect of harsh weather, chemical corrosion, and natural decay. The roofs will show up signs of damage over time, demanding roof repairing services

But repair is often not sufficient when the severity of the damage is grave. In such cases, a small patchwork cannot suffice the purpose. You will have to opt for an entire roof replacement that is done by removing the old roof and installing the new one.

Now, as a property owner, you may be often confused about whether repair or replacement is your most ideal fix. You must approach a licensed professional like Roof Contractor NY who will analyze the issue and decide upon the point of consideration.

Check out the determining factors on the type of roof restoration required:

  • The condition of the roof as an effect of ageing is the primary point of consideration. No matter how well you maintain your roof, it is bound to deteriorate with the passing time. Often spending money on repeated damaged roof repair Westchester does not procure many benefits. It is a wiser idea to invest in a new roof installation for expanding the service life.
  • Sudden natural calamities and mishaps like a cyclone or a tornado or even the falling down of a tree on the roof can cause massive damage and destruction. Large holes in multiple spots, missing layers of shingles or tiles, or even ripping off the roof cannot be fixed by simple roof repair Westchester NY. A complete roof replacement is the only solution!
  • The total area of damage also plays an important role if you are to decide between repair and replacement. Small cracks, leaks, and holes are easy to fix with a confined patchwork. It is effective, less time-consuming, and affordable too. But, if the damage is more than 30 per cent, replacing the roof is a better idea!
  • You may be relocating to a different city soon and investing a lot of money for damaged roof replacement Westchester will not be a very wise decision. Your period of stay matters to some extent.
  • Replacing the old roof involves a big budget expense! Always make sure you have a valid insurance claim covering roof replacement charges. 


Whether repair or replacement, Roof Contractor NY is your most reliable and efficient roofing contractor Westchester County, furnishing prompt and potent solutions to all property owners. We encourage free inspection of your roof for recognizing the core of the issue and discharging services relevantly. We love to hear out from our clients anytime!